Month: January 2017




I’m posting this because it’s bothering the hell out of me.

I lost a friend because he felt that I didn’t give enough time to his
issues and the issues that were foremost in his life, and so I was
garbage. Nothing I said would change the fact that I put mental health
and advocacy for medical change and service dogs above other very, very
important issues and that made me ‘the bad guy’.

The thing is…
just because I am not rallying and organizing marches and everything
else that goes with being an advocate for an issue, that does not mean I
don’t care for it. It does not mean that I don’t contribute in other
ways, less visible but still important.

To quote Ever After:  "I
used to think that if I cared about anything, I would have to care
about everything, and I’ll go stark raving mad.“  And oh how I have felt
that way, trying to fit in all the rallies, keep atop of every single
protest and every issue that was and is important. Until I finally just
shut down and didn’t do anything at all.

So… if you see me
posting about mental illness, mental medical care, and education on
service dogs, it’s because that is where I can best help this world in
being a better place. I am still an ally to other causes, and I offer
what help I can, but this here, this is the place that I make my stand
to say “we need to make this right”. This is where I rally and do
endless educational posts, and work to make things better, because this
is where I can do the most good.

I know it’s hard to hear that. I
know many will read this as me saying i don’t support other causes
(which is not true). It is just… this is the limits of my brainpower,
my health abilities and my education. This is where I can do the most

i think you and your friend just had some miscommunication issues and if you had talked out the other things going on in your life maybe you could have worked something out because i can understand where his anger is coming from when he feels ignored and i understand how you feel you have other things going on that he doesn’t understand and talking to each other could have made something work 🙂

Talking it out is what caused him to walk away. He wasn’t ignored, he was mad that I was being vocal about worries over mental health care. That’s it. He specifically said he wanted to ‘take me down a peg or two’. We weren’t in a conversation together about anything, he stepped into a conversation about service dogs and my thoughts on them, and started yelling at me that I was choctaw and needed to talk about the pipelines. In a forum about service dogs. In a conversation about service dogs. So no, he wasn’t ignored. He came in to an area about a different issue and got angry that I hadn’t made it about what he felt I should be talking about.

I be he’d get pissy if you were to step into a conversation about the pipeline and started talking about services dogs. It costs zero dollars to stay in your lane.

lvtro: revamped into a sticker as requested lolYou can buy the sticker here at Redbubble. [REDBUBBLE]  [ART TAG]  [COMMISSIONS] 18+ ONLY


revamped into a sticker as requested lol
You can buy the sticker here at Redbubble.


kirby-star-rider: bloodqueenmsk: Nazis are currently organizing and funding a bounty against the famous Nazi puncher.  A BOUNTY If anyone actually knows this guy’s identity, you keep it to your goddamn self because they are going to kill this man. !!!!!!!!!!!!!



Nazis are currently organizing and funding a bounty against the famous Nazi puncher. 


If anyone actually knows this guy’s identity, you keep it to your goddamn self because they are going to kill this man.




This is probably obvious to most but man:

When you’re going to randomly message someone you’re not close with, make sure you have something to talk about.

Don’t just go “hi, what’s up”, and expect a good conversation to happen.

I’ma reblog this again cause the comments in here are ridiculous to the point of being comedy.

People are acting like the only two ways to start a conversation is an empty “Hi, sup?” and posting an entire 8 paragraph communist manifesto.

Like, if you’re messaging someone you don’t know, is it really that hard to have a conversation topic in mind before doing so? If not, why do you feel the need to message that person in particular considering you’re not close to them?

If it’s someone you venerate (e.g. a popular artist or something), instead of asking them a ‘hi, sup’ that they probably get at LEAST once daily from strangers, try asking about something of theirs that genuinely interests you, or something you think they’d be interested in, or talk about something they did that you liked or thought was funny. Or ask them for their thoughts on something that concerns you particularly. These are all things that wind up involving both parties.

Don’t initialize a conversation with someone you don’t know then dump the full responsibility of continuing it on them. I don’t think a lot of reblogs complaining about anxiety understand the irony here–if you feel you’re not good at conversing, consider the person you’re talking to might also feel that way about themselves. Even if the person you’re talking to doesn’t get anxious at suddenly having to hold up a conversation, you’re banking on them having something to talk about right then and there. Most the time that’s going to be a pretty boring conversation. If you’re the one making contact, you at least have the advantage of choosing how the conversation starts.

reijinx: i love dragonmom


i love dragonmom

me: *makes one good drawing*
me: nice, lets keep this up
my body: Sorry! It looks like you’ve already made a good drawing today! You can try again in 72 hours, or subscribe to premium service for only $15.99 a month!