Month: November 2016

ever-brooding-prince: kaosyn: Hi! I’ve illustrated Hanzo dressed up like Illidan for a Halloween Overwatch Zine xD You can download the Fanzine FOR FREE here! @tevruden



Hi! I’ve illustrated Hanzo dressed up like Illidan for a Halloween Overwatch Zine xD You can download the Fanzine FOR FREE here!


worgens: hallows end is over but goldshire is still on fire and theres no water buckets to put it out with


hallows end is over but goldshire is still on fire and theres no water buckets to put it out with

junelets: I like to think Hanzo’s laugh isn’t all elegant. He snorts a lot. Mccree thinks its endearing. Needed to cheer myself up~


I like to think Hanzo’s laugh isn’t all elegant. He snorts a lot.

Mccree thinks its endearing.

Needed to cheer myself up~

sketchmourne: Halloween is 365 days of the year and somehow I’m STILL late >:U  sorry for the rush job but this is what happens when I’m too busy playing the game to draw my game characters AAHAAHA HAHH HHH H HH hH DK Sig and Shadow Leon exist in a wholesome,


Halloween is 365 days of the year and somehow I’m STILL late >:U  sorry for the rush job but this is what happens when I’m too busy playing the game to draw my game characters AAHAAHA HAHH HHH H HH hH

DK Sig and Shadow Leon exist in a wholesome, lighthearted AU that’s fun for the whole family gosh diddly darnit 

Person: Are you a guy or a girl?

Zenyatta: I am an Omnic.

Person: Yeah, but what’s in your pants?

Zenyatta: Tranquility.

raptorific: If I didn’t remember actually reading this in an actual Calvin and Hobbes book as a child I’d think it was ironically photoshopped like those comics where Mickey Mouse and Goofy talk about how reality is an illusion but this comic strip was actually just…….


If I didn’t remember actually reading this in an actual Calvin and Hobbes book as a child I’d think it was ironically photoshopped like those comics where Mickey Mouse and Goofy talk about how reality is an illusion but this comic strip was actually just……. already………… like that……………