A few things I have learned about my cat, after never living with one before.
– She really likes bugs. She see’s a bug and it’s murder time
– Several times, I’ve picked her up to help her fight bugs she couldn’t reach. Now she looks for bugs every time I pick her up
– she tried to fight a bee once.
– her fascination with birds is endless. 10/10 would fight birds
-actually is super scared of outside tho
-will fight my drawings on the walls
-meows always sound sad-Maiev will fight anything if it moves under something else.
-including feet, while you’re trying to sleep
-she hides behind corners, but never does anything
-does not care if you touch the toe beans
-rolls over so you can hug
-sometimes boops you for fun
-really loud purring-we have no damned idea what kind of cat she is