


You hate what you’ve created.

You hate how it’s somewhat lopsided. How that eye doesn’t quite line up with the other one, and how the hair looks fake, fabricated. You hate how the colors clash and how the light source is GOD knows where. You hate how your knowledge of anatomy is constantly holding you back, teasing you with a carrot at the end of the long stick; you’re so close to being what you think is pro, but you don’t know QUITE ENOUGH to keep that pose from looking wonky. You hate how everyone you admire turns out to be younger than you, or marginally older than you, because that’s when you feel the obligation, the pull of the race to be THE BEST, weighing down your reason.

But before you picked up your paint brush, your tablet pen, your pencil – what was there? A blank canvas, a blank paper, a blank, forbidding photoshop file, and the “responsibility” to get better at art as soon as physically possible.

There was nothing before you put your pencil down. Nothing before you made that first stroke. Every time you think that work is shit, I want you to look at it and remember: before you made that move, before you imagined, created this IDEA, there was nothing. Just a smattering of pixels. A blank page. What remains after you have RECREATED YOUR IDEA, moving it by use of your anatomy studies, your lighting studies, incorporating every single thing you have ever learned about art to make what you see REAL, is the result of you. It is the result of your efforts, and when it comes down to your art, it’s about you. Stop comparing yourself to others. Stop thinking there is a race to win. You can do it – you’ve made it this far. Every thing you create is a culmination of your talents, your will to create. That’s powerful. You’re powerful, and fully capable of creating anything you set your mind to.

THE END good night

This is like getting a warm hug from the nicest teddy bear during a cold and terrifying storm and wow hello I love this post