Month: October 2016

tarahana: and now back to your irregularly scheduled redraws (original) [please do not tag as mcshi.mada/mch.anji! thank you]


and now back to your irregularly scheduled redraws


[please do not tag as mcshi.mada/mch.anji! thank you]

doodlejinx: Charity Livestream is now LIVE! Come on and help us raise money for Natives in NA, or just come along to show your support and watch four cool artists all streaming together! The stream is NSFW, so do be warned! If you want a commission from me, I will be taking


Charity Livestream is now LIVE!

Come on and help us raise money for Natives in NA, or just come along to show your support and watch four cool artists all streaming together!

The stream is NSFW, so do be warned!

If you want a commission from me, I will be taking them during the stream. You must place a donation for $20 (if you want to donate more, then you’re welcome to!) and send me proof of your donation. If you’re prompted to give a comment when donating, we’d love you to put something about our fundraising stream event in there so they know where the money’s coming from!

One-Nation Camp Fundraiser
1N Media Equipment
Standing Rock


Charity Livestream!

Hey guys! If you’re all free this evening (i.e. Sunday the 30th October) at 5pm Central Time I’m involved in a huge charity livestream to raise money to help the Standing Rock Sioux organisers protesting the Dakota Access Pipeline. I’ll be offering discounted commissions, as will other amazing artists. You can check out more details here.

Thanks so much if you can come and show your support <3