Month: August 2016



Hey Americans, the Uk will trade you our Royal Family for the Obamas. All of ours, even the kids. We’ll even throw in some of those “handsome” British actors you like so much, we don’t care. Hell, take the crown jewels too.

youll take the obamas from my cold dead hands theyre one of the few good things we have left right now

Hello Horde friend! Excuse me, I have a question for you: at which level is Koltira’s rescue quest available? Is it a scenario that requires something specific to be unlocked? Thank you in advance :> (hope you’re having a lot of fun with Legion~)

I am not entirely sure if there is anything specific you need for the quest line to be unlocked. I ended up doing it after I had to raise the second Horseman, by then I was 104 but I had also been putting off going back to my class hall forever.

pyra-mugetsu: Alexandyr Sunstrike (WrA) Commission for @house-sunstrike.  Thank you for the work, hun.  A pleasure, as always.


Alexandyr Sunstrike (WrA)

Commission for @house-sunstrike.  Thank you for the work, hun.  A pleasure, as always.

grimchild: I was lucky enough to be commissioned by DeviantArt for Blizzard to do an Orc Death Knight illustration featuring a new weapon from the upcoming Legion expansion. Normally I’m not really a Warcraft guy, but this was an opportunity too great to pass up. Of course I


I was lucky enough to be commissioned by DeviantArt for Blizzard to do an Orc Death Knight illustration featuring a new weapon from the upcoming Legion expansion. Normally I’m not really a Warcraft guy, but this was an opportunity too great to pass up. Of course I was able to find armor with teeth all over it, because if it wasn’t clear from all my other work, I really love painting sharp teeth. I had my sister give me the run-down on death knight lore and info so hopefully this pleases the World of Warcraft fans out there.




seijhoe: boy

