
So, due to bureaucratic nonsense, I am temporary without one source of funds that I have consistently had for years. This is a one-income household (i.e. my income), supporting myself, my partner, and our kid. While I THOUGHT I would just trudge through it until the gov’t saw to their half of the business, it turns it that money has more of an impact on us than I thought so I’m hoping I can supplement us with commissions, in the meantime! 

So, these are the basic prices:

Additional Info:

  • I can add lines to sketches/more details/less of anything/etc, we’ll just have to discuss a price adjustment.
  • I AM willing to do porn this time around, but it’s likely going to cost more depending on the complexity.
  • This isn’t limited to Overwatch, I just happen to have drawn a lot of it lately. 

Will Not Do:

  • Anything harmful/offensive/illegal
  • Anything I’m just straight not comfortable with
  • Furry/animal stuff (I wish I could, believe me)
  • If you’re uncertain, just ask


  • Email commission requests to peptocommissions@outlook.com
  • Send questions to junker-town tumblr inbox
  • Be patient with me, I work full time but will try my best to be prompt
  • Shine on you diamond