
Get Yo’self Some Comics!

Okay, so Atomic Robo and the Temple of Od #1 will go on sale later this month. But the way print comics work is a little goofy. Unless your name is Marvel or DC, there’s no guarantee your comics will show up in any given shop!

But there’s something you can do about that: PRE-ORDER!

Just head to your local shop and ask them to pre-order Atomic Robo and the Temple of Od #1 for you. There’s two versions of each issue in this series. They’re the same except for the cover, so go with whatever makes sense for you.

If you don’t have a local comic shop, you can also pre-order either version online. We suggest Midtown Comics, but there’s tons of choices out there.

The first issue goes on sale August 24th, but the Final Order Cut-Off for it is August 8th. This means retailers can adjust their pre-orders for this issue until that date. After that? You’re outta luck!