


FUN FACT: it seems like more and more people are coming out as asexual because we finally feel safe enough to do so, it is not a fad, it is not a trend, and if you think it is one of those things please hop on the shut-the-fuck-up train to don’t-fucking-speak-to-me-ville.

Holy shit, it’s been put into words.


Also, people are coming out as asexual because we finally know that this is a thing that exists. We are reading things on the internet and thinking, “Oh, this sounds like me,” and, “There are other people who feel like this?” and, “Maybe I’m not broken after all.”

I wasn’t aware asexuality even existed until a couple of years ago. I mentioned asexuality to a coworker maybe a month ago and her reaction was astonished joy and, “That sounds like me!” I spoke to a woman in her fifties who said, “I always just assumed I was broken.”

People are coming out as asexual because they’ve learned that asexuality exists.