

stay clear from people who define friendships and relationships in general as a quantifiable amount of acts of courtesy and favors, rather than shared time and experiences spent growing and learning with another person based on love, communication and respect

if they’re constantly holding things they do for you over your head, things they did of their own volition out of what should have been the kindness of their heart, run. Niceties should not be used as leverage against a person or a measure of how good your bond is. If you want to extend generosity towards a person, do it because you care about them, not because you want them to owe you. Not because you want to control or guilt them

There’s an old saying that “Friends are mercenaries you pay with kindness”, be wary of people who are out to get as much as they can out of a kind word or action. On the other hand, be wary of someone who disregards the kind things you do for them.