Month: June 2016


I see a lot of positivity posts about 12-year-olds just learning to draw.  Posts cautioning us to be mindful of 11-year-olds with no grasp of anatomy and 13-year-olds whose characters are all the same person with different hair and clothes, and I love those posts.  Those are great posts.  Keep those posts coming, tumblr.

But can I ask, what about the 25-year-old who just bought their first ever sketchbook?  What about the 32-year-old who’s been drawing for a month and has just about got the hang of a human-looking face?  What about the 67-year-old who finally has time to sit down and learn how to paint like they’ve always wanted?

Not everyone starts drawing as a child.  Not everyone learned as a preteen.  Some people start in college.  Some people start when their career is going well and they feel like it’s time for a new hobby.  Some people start after they’ve retired.

Not all beginner artists are kids, and I just thing the adults ones deserve some encouragement, too.



What happens if you send an werewolf to the moon? Will they be transformed forever? They become human when see the full earth?

I need answers

Also. If two werewolves were on the moon and one killed the other with a rock would that be fucked up or what?

sirlorence: Popuko is a sweet innocent child.


Popuko is a sweet innocent child.

bylacey: I put this WIP up earlier this week on Patreon. Patrons get to see WIPs and progress shots first, as well as have a say in what I draw next!


I put this WIP up earlier this week on Patreon. Patrons get to see WIPs and progress shots first, as well as have a say in what I draw next!

“Straight couples shouldn’t be at pride”








Well uh…

1.) one or both of people you see as a “straight couple” could be pan/bi/poly/ace

2.) one or both of them could be trans or non binary

3.) you could be misgendering someone

4.) They could be there to give moral support to a queer friend or family member who didn’t want to go alone.

Number four is important

5. They could be there because they support the cause stop fucking gatekeeping

6. They could be there in memory of a loved one, don’t forget Pride used to be a memorial as well as a celebration. I know a good number of straight people who go to Pride to celebrate the lives of friends and family who have died because they want to remember them as they lived, happy and joyful and surrounded by a community that loved them.


Always important.