Month: June 2016

Kyragos is quite aware of all the bullshit I pull. 

Kyragos is quite aware of all the bullshit I pull. 


i make good posts

bastion: does not play this game and is banned really overpowered gnome destruction warlock, raids in a mythic guild
genji: windwalker monk. probably a nelf
hanzo: marks hunter. extremely good but also really elitist
junkrat: boomkin, for that exact reason. does rbgs and constantly goes on suicide missions and wins. would also be troll
lucio: resto shaman, most likely. would also enjoy disc priest due to ability to dps while healing
mccree: outlaw rogue. really, really into rping
mei: frost mage, obviously. pandaren
mercy: holy priest does this even have to be said. likely human
pharah: ret paladin, draenei
reaper: unholy death knight. gets really mad when anyone outdpses him. undead
reinhardt: male draenei protection paladin
roadhog: blood death knight. grips everyone ofc
soldier 76: male human warrior, prot/arms. my friend who plays 76 also plays this and its just how it is
symmetra: arcane mage who is good but only comes on for raids then logs off without a word
torbjorn: elemental dwarf shaman. is good but constantly ignoring tactics. alts brew monk, and all his alts are dwarves
tracer: rogue, vers spec. extremely annoying but friendly pvpver who always /hugs corpses
widowmaker: survival hunter for traps. quits the game come legion because she hates melee that much and refuses to play anything else
winston: B E A R
zarya: has one of everything, max level and 720+ gear. nobody knows how
zenyatta: mistweaver monk, saves everyones ass like a million times

bylacey: communistofzaun: [[ Finished sketches for @bylacey, @ask-sivir and @coragio !! Hope they’re okay!]] Ohhh!!! Look at him!!! Thank you so much!



[[ Finished sketches for @bylacey, @ask-sivir and @coragio !! Hope they’re okay!]]

Ohhh!!! Look at him!!! Thank you so much!

ok ok but what would tev do with a very excited and tied up dante tho? i’m talking extreme restraints, to where he’s basically hanging from restraints from the ceiling and quite immobile. He just kinda is staring very pointedly at Tev from the moment he enters but is just completely silent tho he’s probably busy undressing Tev w/ his eyes

Man I hope dante is ready for like hours of teasing, because that’s what he’s going to get. Especially since he can’t really squrim like that


I love battle couples ok.

Fighting side by side. Trusting each other completely. Trying to protect each other. Casual banter in the middle of a fight. Their teamwork. Sparring each other to keep their skills sharp. Getting uncontrollably angry if the other gets hurt. Kissing each other when they’re victorious.

I seriously have a thing for battle couples.



isn’t it amazing!! six continents, seven billion people on the planet, and a whole lifetime of choices and outcomes and in this particular string of decisions, in this point in time, out of everyone i get to meet, i got lucky enough to know you

I like this one because it’s suppose to be mushy and cute but with a certain tone of voice I could very easily turn this entire sentence into a passive aggressive fuck off