bastion: does not play this game and is banned really overpowered gnome destruction warlock, raids in a mythic guild
genji: windwalker monk. probably a nelf
hanzo: marks hunter. extremely good but also really elitist
junkrat: boomkin, for that exact reason. does rbgs and constantly goes on suicide missions and wins. would also be troll
lucio: resto shaman, most likely. would also enjoy disc priest due to ability to dps while healing
mccree: outlaw rogue. really, really into rping
mei: frost mage, obviously. pandaren
mercy: holy priest does this even have to be said. likely human
pharah: ret paladin, draenei
reaper: unholy death knight. gets really mad when anyone outdpses him. undead
reinhardt: male draenei protection paladin
roadhog: blood death knight. grips everyone ofc
soldier 76: male human warrior, prot/arms. my friend who plays 76 also plays this and its just how it is
symmetra: arcane mage who is good but only comes on for raids then logs off without a word
torbjorn: elemental dwarf shaman. is good but constantly ignoring tactics. alts brew monk, and all his alts are dwarves
tracer: rogue, vers spec. extremely annoying but friendly pvpver who always /hugs corpses
widowmaker: survival hunter for traps. quits the game come legion because she hates melee that much and refuses to play anything else
winston: B E A R
zarya: has one of everything, max level and 720+ gear. nobody knows how
zenyatta: mistweaver monk, saves everyones ass like a million times