Month: June 2016

I don’t RP with you because I don’t really know you and I’m too shy to RP with people but I’ve been following for a long time and I love seeing Tev on my dash! Plus, my main character is a draenei hunter and honestly probably wouldn’t have much to do with Tev anyway unless it was an AU.

Tev’s actually pretty faction-neutral. He’s a knight of the Ebon Blade first and a member of the Horde second. Most of the reason he went Horde is because it sounded like he’d get to fight more in the horde than in the Alliance.

If playablable high elves were a thing there’d totally be a Quel’dorei Tev.

drovie: drovie: FINISHED. I am covered in glue, my shoulders hurt from hunching over this and I need to get a decent photo in good lighting but for now.. done. Now to write the story with it. Figured I’d take a quicky shot to show you guys the size of the piece. And since I



FINISHED. I am covered in glue, my shoulders hurt from hunching over this and I need to get a decent photo in good lighting but for now.. done. Now to write the story with it.

Figured I’d take a quicky shot to show you guys the size of the piece. And since I didn’t run down materials, here it is:

Dinosaur Bone
Ammonite Fossils
Czech Glass Beads
Mica Stone
Transparent Watercolor Ground.








I relate to Solas a lot because I too can quickly become someone’s friend by being asked to ramble about the nerdy shit I’m into

I relate to Solas because I, too, have a habit of waiting for the last possible second to define romantic relationships.

I relate to Solas because I, too, enjoy painting but only do it when I’m certain no living soul can see me doing it.

I relate to Solas because I still have a high opinion of my own intellect despite fucking up everything I lay hands on,

I relate to Solas because I also only have two modes of disapproval: Passive aggressive bitch and rage-filled murder.

I relate to Solas because I also have a talent for saying the most offensive thing possible while honestly seeing nothing wrong with what I just said until later.

I relate to Solas because I, too, insist on fixing my mistakes with even bigger mistakes.