




So lore bombs are being dropped on Reddit:

It’s too late. Azeroth will never wake up. He was the Titan’s last hope.

…But a bit of his spirit dwells within every hero of Azeroth, every mage who picked up a wand, every warrior who took up a blade, every champion from any world who took root in Azeroth and decided to defend it as their home.

We mortals are all that stands between the Light and oblivion, but so long as this world is our home we’re lit from within by the heroic spirit of a dormant Titan.

Well that’s a big reveal.

Also Azeroth was a he? I wonder if Elune is something else then. 

Actually now that I think of it, Kosak is a fucking huge liar and a troll when it comes to story to mess with people so I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s the case with this. 

man i hope so because they’re running out of stuff that Would Be Cool if they didn’t just throw it in the trash for no reason. 

like i’m hearing more stuff the Chronicle took away than it added.

Wow, this blew up! I was just adding some color to the chronicle, not adding any lore with that comment. It’s a reddit post, not canon. 🙂 The Chronicle is meant to be interpreted and enjoyed as you will!

From TheFargo Reddit post

That is a terrible excuse, especially after blizzard has been giving out lore tidbits via social media *cough*Twitter*cough* for like two years now.