





The third reason people might not be picking up on the Rey/Kylo dynamic actually has to do with intelligence level. Again, I want to stress that people not picking on on things comes from a variety of reasons, but usually when you can’t deconstruct a text – when you’re only able to pick up on the surface aspects of it – you’re not the sharpest pencil in the box. Literary deconstruction – which is needed for certain aspects of Reylo (see: the symbolism behind the bridal carry) – requires a certain part of the brain a lot of people have let atrophy, either through lack of practice or an inability to access it.


someone took their first lit class

You heard it here first, folks. If you don’t ship creepy abusive het ships, it’s because you literally have brain damage.

Tag yourself I’m “the symbolism behind the bridal carry”

Im the literary deconstruction that can’t happen because of brain atrophy.

I’m the smothering sense of second-hand embarrassment you get from reading such garbage