Spider-Man(2016) #2
White creators. When you’ve somehow appealed to legions of poc fans by finally giving a character that offers some representation, and then said fans go hard trying to talk your shit up, don’t turn around and do this. Don’t put a afro-latino face on your age old white-man argument of “why does it even matter?”
Ugh. Like, a Black Latino kid WOULDN’T know why it fucking matters?
White people are so desperate to get us to post-racial America while the KKK is literally burning churches and stabbing people and politicians support them…
This is really shitty characterization. Any kid who looks like Miles Morales would know damn well why it matters. He would’ve experienced a thousand microaggressions over the course of his life. He would tense up when the police pass by, even if he’s just walking down the street minding his own business. He would’ve been constantly challenged on whether he’s “Hispanic” enough, and nobody would give a shit that he’s “half.” And even if his chosen coping mechanism for all this was resentment and the wish that he could just be no-qualifier Spider Man, he would still get why he isn’t going to be, for most people. He would still feel keenly his own difference, even if he chose to pretend it didn’t exist.