This most likely isn’t good, don’t quote me on this but I’m pretty sure Yahoo has a track record for deleting or abandoning the websites it buys. You think Tumblr has been bad now? Just you wait, it’s probably going to get worse. I don’t want anyone to wake up and see their blog gone because Yahoo just decided to kill it without any warning. I don’t know for sure what they’ll do, but I don’t have a good feeling about it that’s for sure, so here’s what I’m going to do and if you have any important content on this site, you should as well:
If you have any writing art, video’s or anything original you made and posted on Tumblr, and not anywhere else, back that shit up. Onto another website or on your computer preferably (that way no one can ever delete it except you), If there are things like this you love and want to keep so you can see them again, do the same thing. As long as you dont post it without permission or take credit, it should be OK to do.
If you have any friends on Tumblr or people you want to continue talking to, but you only know them on Tumblr, give them a second way they can contact you like gmail or skype. If you don’t have those, or aren’t close enough to feel comfortable doing that just yet, then give them another website you’re on. Loosing your work is one thing, but loosing contact with someone you care about would be even worse.
If your sick of Tumblr and this was the final straw for you, then I feel you. I actually have another website you can use that’s very similar to Tumblr for your blogging needs. It’s not very active yet, but it has ALOT of potential. I joined a little while ago, and it’s called Sho N Tell . It lets you have multiple blogs and other very useful features! If you liked Tumblr, or rather what it used to be, then you’ll like this. The difference to this site is that it listens to it’s userbase.
If you want other people to see this, and think it’s important as well, be sure to signal boost!
If my followers want other ways to talk, message me and I’ll give you my Skype just in case
Signal boost is also a thing, and it can automatically pull over your tumblr content
“We believe the American people need to decide who is going to make this appointment rather than a lame duck president,” said Majority Whip John Cornyn.
Sen. Lindsey Graham said that “there’s no use starting a process that’s not going to go anywhere and we are going to let the next president decide,” when asked why there would be no hearings.
“Presidents have a right to nominate just as the Senate has its constitutional right to provide or withhold consent. In this case, the Senate will withhold it,” McConnell said. “The Senate will appropriately revisit the matter after the American people finish making in November the decision they’ve already started making today.”
To Congressional Republicans, but particularly to you three hog cocks:
Fuck you.
Your Congress is already legendary in doing the least work in the least number of work days of any Congress since the 18th century, and your sole aspiration in life is to drive yourselves to exhaustion in order to do even less. You know the arguments against, you know the morality against, you know the most base humanity against, but you still proceed in receding because you cannot abide that a black man has more power than you or your bloodlines ever, ever, ever will.
Furthermore, fuck you.
You squalling snotty children in leather geriatric bodies, you melting homunculi of blind loyalty, you feeble furious fear-fellating fanatics, your behavior, your choices, your exercises of free agency, your actions are why you have wrought your own trump, why you are without a future. I curse you to live long enough to see your precious patriotic Reagan-party conservative continuity disintegrate. I curse you to linger thirty more years in existential dread as you watch the world do far better when it forgets your very name.
There is no profanity eloquent enough to condemn you and your entropic kind to the flea-shit dust of the history that you so proudly stand athwart. So go take turns fucking and eating out a goblin shark, you molerat-faced white trash.
Additionally, fuck you.
Reblogging, so you folks can get a good look at who is actually “destroying America”, but also for my friend Jack’s commentary, whose craft in profanity rivals both the Bard and Dennis Leary.