I have this idea for a druid character design, but Im not sure. Im thinking she’d be Fidel’s apprentice but I need to go through all my characters and figure out who I want to flesh out for legion o_o
Hey there every one! I’m looking to get more involved with WrA Role players. If you could reblog this so that I can start to follow some of the role players who frequent Wyrmrest Accord I would appreciate that! Time to get back into the flow of things.
Hey guys, you all helped me out a lot when I did this, so I’d appreciate it if you gave my friend and RP partner the same courtesy. She’s great.
WRA roleplayer here! Mostly Draenei, but I have a clan of Night Elves I write for too. 🙂
Same here, mostly Draenei, but I have an Night Elf and a Pandaren to even things out.
eyy pretty much all draenei here bc i don’t rp the lone nelf i’ve got
WrA vet here! I have both Alliance and Horde characters but my A-siders are probably shelved until Legion drops so I’m mostly looking for contact on my dead elf. He’ll draw runes on your stuff while insulting you.
if you regret any of the sexual experiences you’ve had i’m here for you. if you didn’t say no but you didn’t say yes i’m here for you. if you wanted to stop but you didn’t know how to say it i’m here for you. if it was consensual and then it wasn’t i’m here for you. if it was uncomfortable or if it hurt or if it wasn’t what you wanted i’m here for you. if you spent the whole time waiting for it to be over i’m here for you. if you are scared or afraid of being intimate with someone i am here for you. if you feel anxiety and shame towards sex when the rest of society seems to be absolutely obsessed with it i’m here for you. there is nothing wrong with you and everything you are feeling is valid. i’m here for you.
*sees an art tutorial suggesting that if you have trouble drawing the other eye you can just copy-paste/horizontal flip the one you have*
yeah that…just, that only kind of works if the face is looking straight ahead and even then you still have to draw a totally new iris and pupil anyway.
It’s not a bad idea to copy>paste>transform to set up the second/third/etc eye if you’re struggling but then lower opacity and re-draw on top of the size and placement reference you’ve made
As someone voting for Bernie Sanders, I am fucking sick of the Bernie shitbabies going “waaaaaaaaaaaahhh if Bernie doesn’t win the nomination then I’m not voting waaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh”. Way to let the youth vote disappoint everyone again, you big poopstains.