





Daily reminder that mental illness isn’t an excuse to be an utter fucking shitgoblin to people. I just endured a woman having a neurotic, cursing meltdown at me telling me how to do my job because I accidentally dropped a bottle of concealer on the (carpeted) floor while bagging her items and she “can’t have one that’s been on the floor”.

Sorry I rustled your OCD jimmies, lady, but as someone on the spectrum myself: grow the fuck up.

Internalized ableism is a thing. Fuck you.

Nah, sorry. There’s absolutely no excuse to treat another human being like shit. Have a lovely day!

And there’s absolutely no reason to assume that a trigger like that is something that can be ignored or controlled. 

So, maybe take your own advice and grow the fuck up? 

You have a great day too!

In such a case, apologies are in order. Again: cause and excuse are very different things. Mental illness is not a free pass to leave a wake of people being upset and afraid of you. Nobody deserves to be insulted, cursed, and yelled at over -most- things, much less something benign like dropping and item on a carpet.

So no, sorry, you’re not going to convince me here. The world isn’t a hugbox where everyone exists to cater to your whims and needs and deserves to be treated like shit if they make a mistake.

I have severe anxiety. Would I have been within my rights to lash out in response because she triggered a fear response of people yelling at me? Absolutely not. Because that’s fucked up. Just like the way she treated me. So kindly take a look at your perspective and wonder what kind of world you want where everyone has free reign to violently verbally abuse others.

I’m sorry, any sympathy I might had for you flew out the window when you suggested that a woman with seemingly severe mental illness needs to ‘grow up’. I’m not saying that she shouldn’t apologize, but maybe, just maybe? She was embarrassed that the entire situation happened in the first place. 

You talk a whole lot of game about having sympathy and toleration for your fellow person, but you can’t back it up for balls.

Perhaps next time you won’t drop shit on the floor like some butter-fingered ape.


Hey look at this person who needs to sit the fuck down.  Calling someone a “butter-fingered ape” is not okay.