i’m not complaining at all but Mrs. Otterton is literally Rapunzel as an otter and is the BIGGEST cutie pie.
It’s her fursona.
or it’s just disney animators being lazy yet again
i honestly can’t tell if you’re joking or not
another female character looks like rapunzel.
it’s just lazy and the animators still seem to be afraid of having female characters without any physical traits similar to rapunzel.
#like she’s an animal y’all dont need to give her white features
an otter???
an otter with green eyes and a purple sweater??? exactly what part of that is “white features” to you? either you’re trolling or literally looking for something to complain about.
Nooby can’t you see that they have the exact same face shape and nose? like come on they are EXACTLY the same. I can’t believe Rapunzel was a fucking otter this whole time
rapunzel was a fucking furry this whole time. disney fooled us all.
Ok, but I can kind of see the argument about white features.
Otters just don’t come in these colors, and those are some pretty light colors when compared to actual otters.you’re right
otters never come in light brown
i can’t believe disney is whitewashing otters now
smh @ disney how much lower can you sink
i am hollering this is hilarious
I cant even begin to describe my utter dissapointment that peopel are still on about “ lol looks like rapunzel clone so white” about a fucking otter
Today I learned that Otters are white
destroy this website