Hey gang, I understand that Tumblr has been a bewilderingly toxic environment as of late, so please remember:
- Do your own research before determining your stance on a person, idea, or situation. A lot of posts obscure, twist, and even purposefully leave out information that is essential to grasp, so be sure to confirm what you hear through credible sources as opposed to just a post with a lot of notes. Look at responses and assess them with reasoning.
- Don’t blindly follow the majority. Don’t get swept up in the mob mentality and mongered fear without looking into different perspectives. Its easy to be misinformed because of one’s hasty jump to conclusions based on a title, the way something is written, or the number of people that have reblogged it. Listen to others and give yourself the final say after looking into everything. Don’t jump into something with blind hatred just because everyone else is.
- Seek a second opinion. Have a conversation with a friend or with a person that is well-versed in the subject. Chances are someone knows something you don’t. Make conversation constructive and bolster your understanding.
- Reclaim your space. Find the content you want to see and enjoy it. Interact with the people that you want to be with. Post about what you love and don’t fatigue yourself. This is your blog, after all!
- End problematic culture. People say and do bad things all the time. Whether you’re spouting vitriol, being spouted at, or staying on the sidelines, we all have and have had problems. That’s just human nature for you. Choose to educate rather than decimate. A brick that’s been used to do damage can still be used to build. If someone has apologized for a past transgression, dispelled all misunderstandings, and is working towards being a better person, then don’t discourage them. We’re all learning here and as long as you’re not endangering others with a repetition of your behavior, by all means, keep on chooglin’. Progress needs all it can get.
- DON’T SEND HATE, RAPE OR DEATH THREATS, OR ANY OTHER DISTASTEFUL MATERIAL UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES! I didn’t think I had to put this one down, but if people are still pulling this, it bears repeating. Even if you feel someone deserves some sort of punishment, you’re not doing any justice being a terrible person. And lastly,
- When everything goes to shit, just log off. Stay off of Tumblr. Go outside. Do what you love. If it becomes too much, delete your account. Your well-being and mental health should always be more important than being on here.
salt levels of the signs
saltier than the red sea: gemini, virgo, scorpio, capricorn
more salt in body than water: aries, cancer, leo, sagittarius
equal balance salt and sugar: taurus, aquarius, libra
freshwater: pisces
reblog if u agree
micdotcom: It all started a month ago, when the anti-abortion group Center for Medical Progress began releasing a series of videos alleging to show a Planned Parenthood doctor discussing the illegal sale of fetal tissue to activists posing as biomedical researchers. Planned
It all started a month ago, when the anti-abortion group Center for Medical Progress began releasing a series of videos alleging to show a Planned Parenthood doctor discussing the illegal sale of fetal tissue to activists posing as biomedical researchers.
Planned Parenthood denied any wrongdoing, but the videos created an opening for political opponents. Governors and legislators in more than a dozen states either launched or called for official inquiries into the activities of regional affiliates. Guess what they found? Not much — though that hasn’t changed GOP rhetoric.
unoriginalityisdead: Public Service Announcement‼️
“We’re living in an era where capturing moments using our phones is more important than actually living these moments with whoever is beside us.” abloo abloo abloo bluhh blah blah bluh blah bluuuuooouuuuaaahhhhhhhhbloooooooooooooooo

enipnion: Another commission done for a friend! Saelenar, a Night Elf demon hunter, complete with the Twin Blades of Azzinoth.
Another commission done for a friend! Saelenar, a Night Elf demon hunter, complete with the Twin Blades of Azzinoth.
elksy: The deathwalker. Such a fitting name. *bangs head against table repeatedly* Blood on my name pt. 2 HYPE BOYS
The deathwalker. Such a fitting name.
*bangs head against table repeatedly*
Blood on my name pt. 2 HYPE BOYS
2016 election
News anchor: The new president has been elected.
The entire US population: *sweats in anticipation*
News anchor: and HIS NAME IS JOHN CENA