I have five dragons, red, emerald, blue, bronze, and black. I don’t know many dragon rpers but I’d like to get to know more and get my dragon babies some friends! I play on Moonguard, though my emerald dragon is on Wyrmrest Accord. These are my dragons true names and aliases:
Red- Lady Kiri Flamestrike/Kiristrasza
Blue- Lady Zaria Frostfire/Zaragosa
Bronze- Lady Tarra Lightwell/Tarradormi
Emerald- Seandra Nightsong/Seandra
Black- Lady Amalthea Evance/Amalthiana
(DAMNIT I don’t have him made as a character on any RP server, but consider this a great Blue head raised in interest. I don’t spend a lot of time in game nowadays and only really RP out of it. Given his actual hair color in disguise, it’s obvious why I didn’t make a proxy. xD)
This is Abragos, handsome, mighty and goddamn arrogant about it. He doesn’t exactly respect Kalecgos as a leader and his pride will get him in more trouble than he’ll openly admit or ask for help for.
I also have a Twilight (Obsfulon) and a tiny black drake (Charrion).
Arandormu – Bronze Flight (Varaelian Nilhandril, MG – The Sunguard)
Art by Hornedfreak <3
I have Kyragos, a frostwyrm and former blue dragon that’s was raised by Tev when he was in the Scourge and fought alongside him until Arthas was killed. Tev released him from his service; but go figure, the dragon that he raised was a stubborn butt like he was, and immediately made himself Tev’s squire.
Somehow he manages to be order of magnitudes nicer than Tev is.
this is honestly the cutest thing that’s happened to me on wow.
i had to leave a very long dungeon queue and minimized wow so i could do some irl stuff – i always like to lay down ‘cause it looks cute even if it takes a little extra effort (typing /lie instead of just pressing x or afking). when i came back i saw this guy (black druid) laying next to me without saying anything. i took this screenie and was about to initiate conversation but he left before I could 🙁 i don’t know why i find it so cute. maybe because i was in a very populated area and i wasn’t expecting anyone to notice a lonely lil’ tauren sleepin’ on the ground, or that they’d take the time for a moment of silent cute. i dunno.
thanks, stranger. it made me happy.
i had the chance to talk to them this time. i returned from afk mode and was immediately greeted, followed with one of them saying, “you were afk and came back with a family”
i thanked them for keeping my poor afk body some company and giving me a smile before logging out for the night. thanks, guys. really.
Things like this always make me inexplicably happy. Like, I’ll afk and alt-tab, coming back to find people around me on the same mount as me? I dunno, it’s just a nice feeling.
Every time I start losing faith that other players have lost the sense of whimsy and sweetness in the game, I run across something like this and it’s restorative. :3