If you’ve ever looked up blood elf warrior lore you probably didn’t find much.
In-game, they should’ve launched with The Burning Crusade but warriors were removed at the last moment. Blood elves eventually got warriors in Cataclysm but there was no explanation for their sudden appearance nor any details on their class culture.
Some people think elves have always had a vague warrior class, they just weren’t playable until Cata. They usually allude to spellbreakers and rangers. Others think the blood elves only developed true warriors after being part of the Horde and the Cataclysm was simply their opportunity to organize (like tauren paladins, troll druids, etc.).
Personally I think both versions make sense, but they make more sense together. I lean more towards the former however.
Under the cut is a simplified headcanon (+SO MUCH ART) of elven warriors, otherwise known as breakers.
Me saying bye to my cat: Goodbye, I love you!!! Make good choices today. Don’t forget that you’re the most beautiful cat that has ever walked this earth. I’ll be thinking of you all day!
Ya know, I wanna get mad at forced memes by corporations in an attempt to act “hip”, but I feel Olive Garden is the one place that is perfectly allowed to use this one