al•leg•ged•ly- (adv) used to convey that something is claimed to be the case or have taken place, although there is no proof.
Sometimes they say “allegedly” specifically to avoid potential legal issues. In the USA you’re supposed to be “innocent until proven guilty” so “allegedly” is safer to use, as it avoids most legal issues.
(Even though he clearly pulled something on them. One could argue it was a water pistol replica or rubber training gun or something, even though the chances of that are next to none.)
Reblogging this again as I have done some research and have more information. (Note, it is also possible he had pulled a taser gun. Regardles….)
Most places are trying to say this is a race-related incident. From what I’m seeing, it isn’t. Here are the facts.
This happened in a Home Owners Association community where there is a community pool. The pool allows TWO guests per resident – this is a rule you abide by if you live in this community. However, a teenager living in the community and a DJ who set up by the pool invited people on Twitter to a pool party. The teenager did NOT request or obtain permission before doing this. The teen also charged people $15 per person for entry to this unsanctioned party.
The invite went viral, as these sorts of things tend to do. The resulting hoards of teenagers damaged property, and were being rude to the people who lived there. They were told to leave, and, instead of leave, they became aggressive. What you don’t see in this still image is an officer who was being surrounded on all sides by people. His reaction was to defend himself, and he pulled a weapon. Upon pulling it, the surrounding people scattered (you see /some/ of them in this still image).
So, it’s still allegedly because court case and all that, but, even if he did pull a taser or real gun, I would say he was 100% justified as he had reasonable belief his safety was in danger.
I’ve seen this spiraling out of control yet again, and I did the same research you did. My mom was like “I’m going to that protest” and I was like, why? And she explained and showed me the full video of how freaking neglectful the kids were of not following a simple rule. And making cash off of it. The didn’t behave at all when police confronted them. They ran around screaming and scattered without following order. I personally disliked the way the cop shoved the girl to the ground and pulled out supposed gun, but there’s not much else I can say on that.
He gets just as close as the kids do, and in fact he gets closer. Compare this:
Where he’s literally stepping over the girl, to this:
You can’t say that the cop that the cop couldn’t have noticed him either. The same guy is actually in the frame above, right next to the girl in the top pictures. Meanwhile he does not get a gun pointed at him. There is a definite difference in the way the cop treats the black bystanders as opposed to the way he treats the white ones.
Well, the white man seems to be alone,the black ones aren’t, he might fear a “group effect”. We can’t judge this event yet, I think.
“Group effect” hm?
On the previous pics, the white man was alone, and there was a group of teenagers, so the policeman was logically feeling more threatened by the group, that’s why I said that. I know there’s a lot of problems with racist policemen in the USA, but I don’t think it’s a good thing to always make them appear like the human incarnation of the devil, they’re humans too, and they can feel in danger too, even if they’re white. Maybe he was wrong, maybe he wasn’t, I really think it’s too early to judge.
Ok so they magically show up in the 60 seconds between (3:53):
And here (4:53):
Except 18 seconds later (4:11) you can see both of these guys:
Once again proving that object permanence is a thing.
al•leg•ged•ly- (adv) used to convey that something is claimed to be the case or have taken place, although there is no proof.
Sometimes they say “allegedly” specifically to avoid potential legal issues. In the USA you’re supposed to be “innocent until proven guilty” so “allegedly” is safer to use, as it avoids most legal issues.
(Even though he clearly pulled something on them. One could argue it was a water pistol replica or rubber training gun or something, even though the chances of that are next to none.)
Reblogging this again as I have done some research and have more information. (Note, it is also possible he had pulled a taser gun. Regardles….)
Most places are trying to say this is a race-related incident. From what I’m seeing, it isn’t. Here are the facts.
This happened in a Home Owners Association community where there is a community pool. The pool allows TWO guests per resident – this is a rule you abide by if you live in this community. However, a teenager living in the community and a DJ who set up by the pool invited people on Twitter to a pool party. The teenager did NOT request or obtain permission before doing this. The teen also charged people $15 per person for entry to this unsanctioned party.
The invite went viral, as these sorts of things tend to do. The resulting hoards of teenagers damaged property, and were being rude to the people who lived there. They were told to leave, and, instead of leave, they became aggressive. What you don’t see in this still image is an officer who was being surrounded on all sides by people. His reaction was to defend himself, and he pulled a weapon. Upon pulling it, the surrounding people scattered (you see /some/ of them in this still image).
So, it’s still allegedly because court case and all that, but, even if he did pull a taser or real gun, I would say he was 100% justified as he had reasonable belief his safety was in danger.
I’ve seen this spiraling out of control yet again, and I did the same research you did. My mom was like “I’m going to that protest” and I was like, why? And she explained and showed me the full video of how freaking neglectful the kids were of not following a simple rule. And making cash off of it. The didn’t behave at all when police confronted them. They ran around screaming and scattered without following order. I personally disliked the way the cop shoved the girl to the ground and pulled out supposed gun, but there’s not much else I can say on that.
He gets just as close as the kids do, and in fact he gets closer. Compare this:
Where he’s literally stepping over the girl, to this:
You can’t say that the cop that the cop couldn’t have noticed him either. The same guy is actually in the frame above, right next to the girl in the top pictures. Meanwhile he does not get a gun pointed at him. There is a definite difference in the way the cop treats the black bystanders as opposed to the way he treats the white ones.
Well, the white man seems to be alone,the black ones aren’t, he might fear a “group effect”. We can’t judge this event yet, I think. Doxing (from dox, abbreviation of documents), or doxxing, is the Internet-based practice of researching and broadcasting personally identifiable information about an individual. The methods employed to acquire this information include searching publicly available databases and social media websites (like Facebook), hacking, and social engineering. It is closely related to cyber-vigilantism and hacktivism.
Basically doing things like posting people’s name/address/phone number/etc. on the Internet.
years later House is still as relevant as he ever was
I wasn’t vaccinated and never got sick so
And I swam and didn’t drown.
Anecdotes aren’t evidence. The reason YOU specifically didn’t get sick is because of something called Mass Immunity.
That means that since everyone ELSE is vaccinated (you’re welcome), there’s nowhere for the virus to establish a hold. That mass immunity is the only thing that keeps people who CANNOT vaccinate—like the immunocompromised—from catching it.
The second that people stop vaccinating, that immunity disappears and the disease resurges, as is clear from the fact that the US is currently experiencing an epidemic of a disease that was projected to become extinct in our lifetimes.
Get immunized. There’s no reason not to.
Considering that there’s a whole host of people in my age range who weren’t vaccinated enough (even I was missing the second dose of MMR until recently) getting the measles and the mumps I think it’s ridiculous that we’re arguing over a life and death situation. Literally, do you want to live or die?
Also, even if you weren’t vaccinated and never got sick—at least not visibly—that doesn’t preclude the possibility that you picked up a virus and passed it on without knowing it.
Maybe you had…oh, let’s say measles. But you had no symptoms. Or maybe you had a fever, or sore eyes, or a harsh dry cough, but that was it. But nothing that said anything was seriously wrong. And in the meantime, you went about your business. Maybe you waited for a bus with an old man, or shared an aisle at the store with a pregnant woman and her wailing one-year-old, or attended a party with your friends.