If I’m RPing with you, I’m not “putting up” with you. I’m RPing with you because I fucking like it. You are not a burden, you are not an inconvenience. You are a delight. YOU ARE A DELIGHT.
Yes. Seriously. If you RP with me, you are akin to a holy being and I’m just so happy to be hanging out.
What do blood elf apartments look like in Silvermoon? Like, the elves that live in the city are almost definitely in apartments, all the ground-level stuff is shops and training places and the like.
Do they have their own kitchens IN the apartments or do they have to leave to get cooked food? What do belf bathrooms look like?? They must have plumbing, they’re magical and too fancy to use outhouses. Oh man I bet they have the prettiest bathrooms.
What differences would there be between rich and poor blood elf living quarters? Well, rich is easy to figure out, it’d match the aesthetics of the City pretty well. So then how would poor apartments look?
What are freestanding blood elf houses like, outside of the City? The buildings they have in-game are by no means real living quarters. Would it be common for blood elves to leave home when they are of age? If there’s a house of some sort under the family name, would they (traditionally) all stay there, through generations? Obviously depends from elf to elf I’m toying with “general populace” here.
Feel free to ramble at me with your thoughts, anyone. That’s why I’m asking :>
our President told a trans immigrant activist to be quiet during a statement about Pride Week
no analogy here, I’m sure
she is an undocumented trans woman from mexico and her name is Jennicet Gutiérrez. obama not only told her to be quiet, but he had her escorted from the white house by secret service officers while his mindless supporters cheered.
being an actual non-white lgbt+ individual, her voice needs to be heard (and i fully support her cause and intentions), but there’s a time and place for everything and she literally interrupted the president of the united states while he was speaking
nice way to twist the situation to paint obama as some transphobic villain though, love the way you leave it vague enough to make people assume that he was in the wrong
I would honestly prefer reading about the stupid paranormal romance where the weird non-human boyfriend can’t work out the DVD player over Brooding Manipulative and Controlling asshole trope
[screaming at the DVD player] IM 800 YEARS OLD CUT ME SOME SLACK
“Unless you know how to work a 15th-century printing press you can stop laughing and show me how to Twitter again.”
“Honey, I think my computer has a virus.”
“Okay, let’s see what happens when I open up Firefox…WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT CLICKING ON POP-UPS?”
From top left: destinykasparsart‘s Rayak, rainbirdart’s Lika (whose colours I guessed at since she got switched to blue, I hope I got them right! @.@), ahordeoftrouble‘s Rekkis (I wanted another go at him so I could try to draw him younger :p), and rukaryx‘s Eziokk!
The post I linked above is still open for more people to share their birds… I just make no guarantees when or if I will draw :V
You will move out. You will finally do your hair the way you want. And dress the way you want. You will find someone who loves you for everything that you are (and aren’t). You will get that tattoo. And probably many more. People will use the right pronouns. You will meet people just like you. And time really will heal the wounds of living at home.