I have given this rant a lot of times and I am so. So tired of giving it, I’ve ranted about so many factors of Blood Elves and their community that doing it again is literally exhausting. This isn’t NEARLY a complete list, this is just portions that I have the energy to go into atm because god. I’m so tired.
Other race characters literally have to exist as supplementary characters to blood elf RP if they interact with blood elves. Period. It’s a subtle and not-so-subtle manipulation that happens to people who main not blood elves. Your character needs to act in a very myopic way to even be acknowledged by blood elves. Male trolls exist to be fucking hated but also to fuck cis male blood elves (and they will fucking guilt u into this shit); tauren exist to play “noble savages” when the need arises as well as to provide a “learning experience” of how similar we all actually are!!! when the need arises. Naturally this lesson is ditched immediately when an SMC portal is dropped, because savages.
I’m not even going to elaborate on the extensive racism involved in mtrollxmbelf because it’s so just. Gross and racist and n o.
This is something I’ve experienced personally and this is a shared experience I have had with so, so many people whose predominant characters are not blood elves. There are very, very niche roles available and if your character doesn’t fit in that niche, good luck. Good, good luck.
Half the time, they don’t even pretend to care. You can see a splinter of that in the tumblr community, honestly- the amount of attention paid to blood elf characters is so much higher to non-blood elves, in and out of game. Non-belves have to work twice as hard for half the recognition and unless you play a very specific way, you’ll probably not get any at all.
God, there are so many problems with the belf community and while yes, those issues invariably exist in every community, the Belf Community literally consumes a huge portion of the Horde to the point where it is massively detrimental to people who do not main that race.
Oh boy, white people trying to define what racism is again.