Do you have a Blood Knight character in good standing with the Order (ranked Knight or Higher?)
Then we’d like to extend an invitation to you to participate in an open, organized tribunal to help decide and determine the fate of a wayward Initiate! (We’re leaving the direction of our storyline in the hands of the community!)
More details on the event itself will be provided to interested parties. Thanks so much!
Details on the Case itself can be found beneath the ‘Read more’ (we’ll be adding a bit more to this!)
When: Saturday March 14th 6pm Server
Where: TBDInterested? Contact: Danikitty#1587 and/or Livethislife#1370
HI GUYS. Do you have a Blood Knight? WANNA RP? 8D
(Also we are looking for someone to IC’ly preside over the event. So if you are interested in such a thing, also LEMME KNOW.)
MY SKYPE: Livesthislife
My Btag is up there ^^^.
Tempted to bring Flonne along… Dust off her old blood Knight transmog :3 will consider it (weekend is really up in the air schedule-wise)