
Alright so, I’m the GM of a guild on Moon Guard called <I N T R O V E R T>. After some irl stuff going down, my Off Tank has quit wow for an undetermined amount of time. This puts me in a hard place because we’re a progressing raid group.

We’re Technically 7/7 Normal (don’t have the achievement because one of our dps had to get on her monk tank that was on a different server therefore we lost our guild group thing) and 1/7 Heroic Highmaul.

Our Raid times are Wednesday/Friday from 7-10pm server (CST), with Saturdays as occasional make-up days if we wanna keep trying.

Our raiders often pug after Friday is they want to try can get farther and there are calendar events for that. We’d like to finish up Normal and get the achievement then move into heroic main focus, but all of our raiders are ~550+

We’re a friendly bunch, supportive, and even if we yell at each other sometimes there’s never hard feelings and mostly we’re determined. We’re slow going since we’re relatively new, but we’re quickly progressing.

I would prefer someone at LEAST 540+, any class as long as you know how to not die. I am Main Tank (blood DK, my OT was a Paladin so I prefer a paladin yet). If you have any questions inbox me please and let’s get chatting!

tl;dr- <I N T R O V E R T> on Moon Guard- Horde needs an Off tank. Prefer paladin, 540ilvl minimum. Raid times are Wed/Fri 7-10pm server (CST). 6/7 Normal, 1/7 Heroic and quickly progressing.