
About as versed as I am in DK tinkertoys. That is to say: about as much as anyone else, but will happily make things up on the spot!

As with any body part on any undead, I think there’s probably a vast sliding scale of functionality and in-tactness that all depends on the player’s wishes. As referenced in the boners post, functions don’t necessarily stop in undeath (there are examples of undead of all kinds eating, drinking, and sleeping, for example), but some undead are a little more far gone than others and there may not be enough left of something for it to work properly (and the animating magic may not be focused enough on that area to help it any).

So their naughty bits could be anywhere from fully functional, to mostly functional but a little dry/numb, to useless, to “needs an exorcism”.

I also talked a little bit about pregnancy in that post (since it seems to happen a lot in RP), and my personal stance is that they probably aren’t capable of ovulating anymore since it’s a pretty fragile system, and in the rare cases they are, pregnancy itself would not be viable because of the sheer amount of disease and dark energy that flows through their body. Add that to the fact that they probably don’t eat much, sleep much, and are always in combat situations and you don’t have the healthiest environment. Also, you know, creating life is kind of… contrary to their being. Again, won’t stop anyone from doing whatever they want in private RP, but don’t expect a lot of people to take that one seriously.

I feel bad that a lot of my answers aren’t very specific and amount mostly to “UP TO YOU, FRIEND” but in the end, everyone does things differently.


*whispers* Not sorry.

(He was a plant wizard)