



Forever angry about nagrand finale

Forever angry that Garrosh tried to blame any action he took after thrall made him warchief on Thrall

We’re surprised that when given a nation that was literally starving to death Garrosh couldn’t lead them out…

Yes let’s listen to the leaders that told him they were going to kill him and/or publicly humiliated him (Cairne’s lovely backhand to the newly appointed warchief) Gee it’s like Thrall literally left him a country falling to pieces with almost 0 help

You mean the guy that only threatens to kill him right after Garrosh threatens to gut him where he stands:

 Image of Garrosh says: You are lucky I don’t gut you right here, whelp. You are foolish to think that you can speak to your Warchief in such ways.

Image of Vol’jin says: Ya be no Warchief of mine. Ya’ve not earned my respect and I’ll not be seein’ tha Horde destroyed by ya foolish thirst for war.

While Thrall may have put him in the position that he could talk to them like that, actually talking to them like that is still entirely Garrosh’s fault. 
