
Public fucking service announcement:
Guild officers are not lesser deities, immune from constructive criticism and given their ‘power’ by some omniscient benevolent god. We’re people, and believe it or not, being an officer is work. It’s not fun. It’s responsibility.
So two things, since this seems to be hugely difficult for a lot of you simians:

1) If you have a problem with an officer, don’t send anons to your favourite PA shittalk blog. Discuss them with another officer or your guild leader. We care and it’s what we’re here for.

2) If you think you can do better, step the fuck up or step the fuck off.

Thank you.

I was co-GM in a large guild for a while, and it became not fun as well. I ended up leaving, and it was probably one of the better decisions I’ve made in WoW.

From the tone of your post I suggest, you talk to your GM about why you think it isn’t fun, and consider stepping down as well. Remember, you pay $15 dollars a month for this game. You shouldn’t be paying money to not have fun in the end.