
I’m opening commissions again!

I’d really like to have enough money for gas, and with this new medication my doctor put me on, my meds total up to about 25% more than usual.  I won’t be able to look for a job until the end of the month, so all things considered I’d like to pull in a bit of money to soften the blow.

I’m not limiting this to just Warcraft characters.  I’m open to do any character from any part of any universe you wish, aside from worgen, tauren, charr… anything too fuzzy.  I’m not very confident in my ability to deliver quality work on anthro characters.  Unless they’re a bug person, in which case the answer is very yes.

All pictures, sketch and lined alike, will have colour.  Commissions are typically finished within a week or two weeks after payment.  If anything comes up, I’ll email you immediately to let you know of any delay!

If you’re interested, shoot me an email at vanishgrenade[at]gmail.com!  Keep in mind that I only accept paypal, and require payment up front.