For tumblr user Vereesa, a piece featuring Vereesa 😀
mechavomit: For tumblr user Vereesa, a piece featuring Vereesa :D
An important Kill la Kill announcement…!
I ship Mako and Gamagoori so hard, I can track their progress online, and I get a confirmation receipt upon arrival. 😀
That is your reminder that the next expansion is not the only one with a hot dad.
Arthas Menethil by pingping93
johnhexcarter: OH SNAP
magpiecake: I agree, Garrosh I agree
man I feel pallyTev on that. last job people wore so much perfume I couldn’t breathe half the time :u
Doesn’t help that he’s been strangulated by a couple of death knights
rinacane: Arthas
What makes Tev uncomfortable? How about pallyTev?
Nothing really makes Tev uncomfortable. He lost all of his fucks when he was killed and raised as a herald of the Lich King.
Oddly enough what really makes paladin!Tev uncomfortable is really strong sweet smells. Especially on people. It makes him feel like he can’t breathe and he doesn’t deal with that well at all.