Month: July 2014
Just to put this out there since I’m seeing an unfortunate amount of this going around lately, but if I draw you fanart or giftart or whatever you’d like to call it, it’s because I want to and I enjoy you and/or your characters. I don’t want anyone to ever feel obligated to draw anything back for me. Would/Do I love it when someone draws me something in return? Of course! But it’s not something I expect, or would ever dream of demanding. If I draw a gift for someone, it’s exactly that, a gift and not a guilt-trip hinting at a trade the recipient never agreed to.
mad-maddie: dracoto: d-dinosaur: mad-maddie: grep shirt MAD WHY MAD WHY Can’t wait for the female tauren edition of this post
grep shirt
Can’t wait for the female tauren edition of this post
Death Knight Season 16 Elite Reminds me a bit of Ulduar. And only two crotch spines. Not very elite.
Death Knight Season 16 Elite
Reminds me a bit of Ulduar.
And only two crotch spines. Not very elite.
i feel like the only one that actually really likes the new female tauren model lol…………….
I really like it too, and I don’t think it needs to be ‘softened’ or whatever. I think it’s fine as-is.
like idk where people are getting the ‘too feminine’ thing from
shes got eyelashes? okay
shes got a bit of a :3 but she looks???? fine ????
like most of the comments are bitching about how shes NOT feminine enough and how her nose is too big and shes too fat like
Blizzard has been pretty adamant about not wanting another female worgen.
Welcome to the Warcraft fandom where skin tones are too unrealistic but cows need to look more feminine so you know they’re women.