Month: June 2014

importantbirds: found a pic of an important meeting W H O  D A R E  M A K E  D E A L W I T H  B I R B  hello yes a want a ten bananas please I will trade this bells it good bells jinglers J I N G L E R S  G O O D


found a pic of an important meeting

W H O  D A R E  M A K E  D E A L W I T H  B I R B 

hello yes a want a ten bananas please I will trade this bells it good bells jinglers

J I N G L E R S  G O O D


*watches friend playing wod beta hitting for 1.7k, killing mobs with 18k health*

*screenshots 3mil aoe pulls for posterity; cries to sleep*

dbananza: liisa-likes: this was supposed to be a demonstration in thrall’s beautifully overdramatic death animation but he looks like he’s just hella enthusiastic about shakespeare. “For never was a story of more woe than this of Jaina and her Romeo… JULIET! Juliet and



this was supposed to be a demonstration in thrall’s beautifully overdramatic death animation but he looks like he’s just hella enthusiastic about shakespeare.

“For never was a story of more woe than this of Jaina and her Romeo… JULIET! Juliet and her Romeo!”

BISMILLAH, NO. i was NEVER convinced, sorry… at least, not convinced that it was anything more than 1-sided

I was thinking “invisible corn cob”


*watches friend playing wod beta hitting for 1.7k, killing mobs with 18k health*

*screenshots 3mil aoe pulls for posterity; cries to sleep*

moriillustrations: Sinclaire for FrooThings got a bit…technical and I ended up focusing on their prosthesis 


Sinclaire for Froo

Things got a bit…technical and I ended up focusing on their prosthesis 

redribbonrobot: oxboxer: “No homo” is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard come out of the mouth of a human. This is my second favorite way to reply – the first, bloody retribution. Like and comment on Tapastic! How are you so awesome



“No homo” is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard come out of the mouth of a human. This is my second favorite way to reply – the first, bloody retribution.

Like and comment on Tapastic!

How are you so awesome