Month: February 2014

valaaia: valaaia: Early Valentine’s for y’all. ;) (I’ll be posting the give-away result in about half an hour. Need to get that post written first! <3) BRINGING IT BACK *dances on the graves of lordaeron*



Early Valentine’s for y’all. 😉 

(I’ll be posting the give-away result in about half an hour. Need to get that post written first! <3)

BRINGING IT BACK *dances on the graves of lordaeron*

felthier: Felthier Truefeather: Archon of the Sunguard and Knight of the Ebon Blade. Known for his zealous devotion to Quel’Thalas and the people therein. Felthier constantly strives to dull the addiction to pain that all Death Knights but actively serving in the Thalassian


Felthier Truefeather: Archon of the Sunguard and Knight of the Ebon Blade. Known for his zealous devotion to Quel’Thalas and the people therein. Felthier constantly strives to dull the addiction to pain that all Death Knights but actively serving in the Thalassian military. Though the Truefeathers were known for their nobility, Felthier is almost unshakeable and honorable to a fault.

Telchis Truefeather: Known as the Gallant, and Sunward of the Sunguard. He is Felthier’s only son and heir to the House Truefeather. After his father’s death he became the Houses patriarch, but it’s uncertain how much authority Felthier and Telchis share over their own House. Telchis is captain of the Thalassian warship known as the Bloodchaser.

Izulde Netherstar: Felthier’s brother by marriage to his first wife Isha Netherstar. Izulde isn’t far older than his nephew Telchis. He is an accomplished Blood Mage and former Sunfury retainer to the Sunstrider Dynasty. Izulde is lord of Emberlight, a gaunt and haunted place in the Ghostlands, Izulde has recently risen to great prominence in the Thalassian Court. He is in an unique position where he investigates those who may have less than favorable loyalty to Quel’Thalas. This positions allows him intellgence over most of the Thalassian nobility.

All art done by my awesome guildmate:

Cut Off by Iseijin

Cut Off by Iseijin



i dont care what anybody says

bear tanking is literally the most BORING tanking now 

i cant even enjoy it anymore and i just end up hitting buttons i dont even need to because i just get so fucking bored 

That is why I went blood DK and never looked back.

rookuthelock: MY.TIGER.




Imagine your icon being your sole companion in the zombie apocalypse. They have all the powers they have in the movie/game/show they’re from.

He’d just control all the zombies and we’d make sarcastic remarks about it.