and now face references
garrosh has teeny ears and dranosh has fucking kiryuin satsuki eyebrows
fitzefitcher: and now face references garrosh has teeny ears and dranosh has fucking kiryuin satsuki eyebrows
tevruden: I can not take you anywhere, Nilhandril.
Hey guys, has anyone else noticed that their Obsidian Nighwing mount has disappeared from their mounts tab?
Because mine is just gone and I don’t know why
I’ve filed a ticket wish me luck.
It’s a known issue:
When Oliver takes a bath, does the water turn green like the slime in Naxxramas?
“… Black, akshully. M’blight gits ever’where regardless, but when yer full ‘a holes an’ then yer lettin’ water run through ‘em? Don’t take a genius t’figger out th’ results. Winds up lookin’ lahk black tea by th’ end’ve it, ‘cept it’ll melt yer skin off if y’touch it. Senkha puts on a Lightdamned hazmat suit when she forces me t’take ‘em.
Y’seein’ why Ah hate ‘em so much?”
"You make it a thousand times more difficult than it needs to be. I can keep myself safe, if you’d only keep yourself still. Honestly, the only obstacle that we should be facing should be getting rid of the water, because it certainly isn’t going into the garden or the lake. The last thing we want is to poison the water supply. But that’s where your frost magic comes in handy, isn’t it?”
"… That’s where m’frost magic comes in handy.”
So wait, if it was Alexstrasza used Power Word: Pregnancy on Aggra, does that mean it’s not Thrall’s child?
if i see one more fucking post bitching about how the character boost is $60, i am going to personally fucking hit you
it is a goddamn luxury if you do not wish to/do not have the time to level another character from scratch
just like how you can race change/realm transfer/faction transfer/character re-customization in order to avoid re-rolling that toon
don’t like it? don’t buy it. no one is twisting your arm.
shut the hell up
But if they stop crying about things they don’t have to buy how could I drink their tears during raid?
el-aatmik: el-aatmik: el-aatmik: el-aatmik: Due to repeated interest (wow you guys are amazing), I’ve decided to officially open commissions! Busts only for now I will allow one revision between the line and color stage just to make sure the character is how you want them to
Due to repeated interest (wow you guys are amazing), I’ve decided to officially open commissions!
- Busts only for now
- I will allow one revision between the line and color stage just to make sure the character is how you want them to look
- Only one order per client each batch, please—give others a chance!
- All prices are in USD
- I will only accept payment upfront through PayPal
- Turnaround time can take up to a month due to me working full-time. If I end up taking longer than a month, I’ll let you know!
- Please provide the full name/physical description/personality of the character you want drawn. Picture references are welcome!
- Characters can be from any fandom or completely original—whatever you want! I will draw anthro/monsters only if given clear picture references to work from
- Please no NSFW content (although light blood is fine)
- All finished busts will be posted on my blog—please do not repost
- Please send all commission requests/inquiries/payment to my email:
I will be opening up five slots only per batch. Once all have been filled, commissions will close until they’re all finished.
Thank you all again! 8D
Two slots left!
commissions are still open with one slot left!
Still have one slot left!
On a scale of 1 to “Would rather be made part of the scourge again.” how much does Oliver hate bath time?
One thing I wish that would happen in the Blasted Lands: The lightning that strikes around there would strike players and either kill them or stun them for a long time but leave you with 1hp.
Only if I can cheese this with AMS
When someone asks “anyone got recount?”
when they could damn well download their own.
And then you switch from the healing chart to dps and they be at the top by a wide margin.
You know goddamn well you’re top dps. Like, if you care so much, download it yourself like the rest of us. Why do you need the extra attention: thirsty ass bitch, go get some water.
“Thirsty ass bitch, go get some water” Made the fucking post, lawd. I’m dying.
That’s when you whisper them alone w/ the top results.