well shit the truths out
faggitvekubby: well shit the truths out
whinecraft: New xpacs for me always mean new hairstyle new “IC” look still thinking of what to do with her hair but already doodling around with ideas for Aern’s WoD rp gear. I’m really excited because i want this to be a big development time for her, and part of that
New xpacs for me always mean
- new hairstyle
- new “IC” look
still thinking of what to do with her hair but already doodling around with ideas for Aern’s WoD rp gear. I’m really excited because i want this to be a big development time for her, and part of that is leaving a lot of her pseudo traditional vrykul outfit themes behind. I still want to keep an earthy color scheme with her with the usual leather/fur/”bronze” but I also wanted to make her look more “knighty” than “barbarian”.
I’m definitely keeping the Valky’r helmet
because fuck youto really bring out the theme of transcendence. Especially since in Vrykul culture (at least in certain clans in Storm Peaks), they view Valky’rhood as something to strive towards. Also I just really want Aernleif in a Valky’r helmet OKAY?Facial scars are new, and will – IC’ly – be added when WoD drops. I’m so excited to progress in-game, and out with Aern. She’s been such a fun character and I’m so not ready to let go of her as a main just yet. :”””’ )
zoesfantasyworld: Northog Tactician by *Hamsterfly
mfw I typed immaculate instead of emasculate
It could be worse, you could have typed ‘ejaculate.’
One thing I would like to see stopped would be the purposely misgendering blood elf males simply because “Oh lol they look like girls. So girly.”
… Really? The joke is old, not funny and needs to stop.
trashboat: trashboat: abc news broke their website and i cant stop laughing holy shit call 911 MAYBE MORE
abc news broke their website and i cant stop laughing holy shit call 911
fox-machine: i dont even like the alliance im a hordie through and through but varian is so fun to draw wtf
i dont even like the alliance
im a hordie through and through
but varian is so fun to draw wtf