I’m doing a Philosophy paper on Asexuality. Please reblog if you think Love without Sex is possible! I really need the data. Like if you think love has to have sex.
Love without Sex
The best boss fights in WoW are the ones where your friends get MCed and you can beat the shit out of them.
[22:20:10.035] Slithals hits Garrosh Hellscream Miss
[22:20:10.274] Tevruden killed Slithals
[22:20:10.274] Tevruden Blood Plague Slithals 19816 (O: 44319)
[22:20:10.282] Slithals dies
selithiel: I can’t with these models omgosh.
alzire: A pair of old blood elf RP characters; paladin is thesushiowl’s and is from the start of BC, while the DK is mine and was created around the start of WotLK. Rude death knight and tolerant, dorky paladin adventure together! I’m still very fond of them. Art by
A pair of old blood elf RP characters; paladin is thesushiowl’s and is from the start of BC, while the DK is mine and was created around the start of WotLK.
Rude death knight and tolerant, dorky paladin adventure together! I’m still very fond of them.
[2:19 AM] (Channel) Dante: … oh that norushen kill?
[2:19 AM] (Channel) Dante: yeah it was
[2:19 AM] (Channel) Dante: p close
[2:19 AM] (Channel) Dante: i spammed kill shit
{Raise your hand if you’ve ever felt like a shitty rp partner.}
We did the thing!
We did the thing!
jabberjack: Tiny Tevruden for barkentin part of This post This was about 40 min, so no color, sai, the longest part was the pose and then the armor. DK armor is skulls. all skulls all the time. edit: Oh blueberries I erased where one leg connects to the calf. fffff
Tiny Tevruden for barkentin
part of This post
This was about 40 min, so no color, sai, the longest part was the pose and then the armor. DK armor is skulls. all skulls all the time.
edit: Oh blueberries I erased where one leg connects to the calf. fffff
WoD prediction: jaina tells on garrosh to his dad and grom grounds him
garrosh gets garrounded
irahsik: Xaltar: “Hhhh…daddy’s a bit tired. Why won’t you kids kill that bastard? Have fun.” *smirk*Xaltar using his Army of the Dead ability. This was surprisingly fun to draw, though my back died during inking. @_@ Inking took about an hour or so, coloring 1½ hours.
Xaltar: “Hhhh…daddy’s a bit tired. Why won’t you kids kill that bastard? Have fun.” *smirk*
Xaltar using his Army of the Dead ability. This was surprisingly fun to draw, though my back died during inking. @_@ Inking took about an hour or so, coloring 1½ hours.