danaan13: WoW Comic – Garrosh’s Ironic Horde by Lukali
Vae is a beautiful butterfly
Vae is a beautiful butterfly
h-owll: doodleigh: audreyii-fic: And evil takes form in Thranduil. He may seem like your typical backstabbing slut-faced ho-bag, but in reality, he’s so much more than that. (x) (tumblr) heeeheee! THE LAST ONE OMFG
And evil takes form in Thranduil. He may seem like your typical backstabbing slut-faced ho-bag, but in reality, he’s so much more than that. (x) (tumblr)
Realms are up!
isei-silva: Another draenei for sale. He’s a Vindicator/Peacekeeper type and dear god never let me get that detailed on armor again. But ah! Yeah! If anyone’s interested in buying this awesome badass just poke me with a message Color scheme will be provided for free to the
Another draenei for sale. He’s a Vindicator/Peacekeeper type and dear god never let me get that detailed on armor again. But ah! Yeah! If anyone’s interested in buying this awesome badass just poke me with a message
Color scheme will be provided for free to the buyer’s specifications.
Alright, what does he think about the beloved Banshee Queen? :P
She needs to sit in the corner and think about what she’s done 😛
Someone has to have asked before, but what if Tev had never died?
As a Blood Knight, he’d have become extremely disillutioned w/ the blood elves’ handling of M’uru and been on one of the first boats to Northrend. Tev would have gone off to help in the Cataclysm and would probably not have returned to Quel’Thalas since.
Whaaaaaaat’s Tev’s thoughts on the new Warchief?
He seems fairly competent, the darkspear rebellion and seige of Orgrimmar were a decent campaigns. He doubts things will quiet down for Vol’jin even if the Alliance has left Durotar.
What would a perfect day be for Tev? I know murder is part of it, but certainly he might like other things too.
Probably showing Feiyn around Icecrown, telling her about the war in Northrend, and also telling her stuff about what it was like when he was there while he was in the scourge, before he got sent to Naxxramas. Killing any scourge that showed up while he was doing this would just be a bonus.
Has Tevruden ever felt disgust at himself, for what he has become?
Nope! In true blood/high elf fashion, he actually likes the power its given him. And since there’s no going back anyway so it’s not something to waste energy worrying about.