Month: January 2014

prince-of-gays: mortal girlfriends play dress up w/ their walking murder machines death knight boyfrands


mortal girlfriends play dress up w/ their walking murder machines death knight boyfrands

dorkynoodle: wanted a new phone lock screen but i couldnt find an undead death knight (which is the class i play) pic i liked so i made one myself -worked on this till 5am cuz i couldnt sleep xp


wanted a new phone lock screen but i couldnt find an undead death knight (which is the class i play) pic i liked so i made one myself

-worked on this till 5am cuz i couldnt sleep xp

hclark70: for Yangpuppy


for Yangpuppy

anastasiakovalenko: Curiosity



Has Antaeus ever watched the movie The Thirteenth Year? And if not, how would he react to getting caught in some mermaid-crazy fisherman’s net?


i don’t think antaeus has watched it (BUT I HAVE IT WAS SOMETHING I SQUEALED OVER BACK IN 2000 WHEN IT AIRED IDK). but if he got caught, 1) he’s fucking dumb, 2) if it’s just rope he can form an ice blade and slice his way to freedom bc fuck getting caught, 3) act innocent if he can’t free himself in time and when the fisherpersonthing turns their back he’ll shift to his human form, climb out, and jump over the side. IDK STUFF


benchflip: silverruby: Okay, I have been tricked, tricked I say! Into drawing a belf! xD Amorilan finally has a face, after.. I dunno how many years.. 5? 6? He was actually the first paladin I ever rolled. LOL He was always an obnoxious NPC for me, but now I think I’m going to



Okay, I have been tricked, tricked I say! Into drawing a belf! xD

Amorilan finally has a face, after.. I dunno how many years.. 5? 6? He was actually the first paladin I ever rolled. LOL He was always an obnoxious NPC for me, but now I think I’m going to actually use him. xD

He is such a suck-up that his lips might rival the pull of a black-hole, he is generally useless beyond being a lap dog, a terrible swordsman and abysmal at calling the Light. All the jewelry and beautiful hair in the world couldn’t polish this turd… LOLOLOL Squire 4 lyfe.

If you aren’t in a position of power or useful to him, he would snub you, now if you were say, a high-ranking general… Hello, sir, how can I warm your bed today, sir.

Too bad the eyeglow hides his tart-y makeup. :’(

.. Grab that hair and MUSH! LOL LOL LOL


oboon: IF I SAID I WANT YOUR BODY NOW WOULD YOU HOLD IT AGAINST ME all the talk of trashy blood elves in the stream made me want to draw my own sansth aka the absolute trashiest out of all of my characters not all of my blood elves are like this i promise its just this asshole




all the talk of trashy blood elves in the stream made me want to draw my own

sansth aka the absolute trashiest out of all of my characters

not all of my blood elves are like this i promise its just this asshole oh god dont look at me

he looks like he is about to cut you