
Anduin: What if what?

Mez: Imagine Anduin trying to uphold Horde customs. Imagine Anduin trying to run the Horde without trying to make the Horde act like the Alliance. Imagine Anduin trying really hard to respect the cultures of the races of the Horde while also trying to run it the ways he knows how.

Imagine Anduin wearing leather armor in attempt to look intimidating, but the tight leather just accentuates how skinny he is. Imagine Anduin, scrawniness highlighted, giving orders in awkwardly cute Orcish.

Imagine cute, skinny, squeaky-Orcish-speaking Anduin giving orders to an Orc twice his size.

Imagine cute, skinny, squeaky-Orcish-speaking Anduin reaming an Orc twice his size, and the Orc with his head bowed in shame. and/or trying not to laugh