Month: October 2013


hey did u kno

  • being cis is normal
  • not being cis is normal
  • shut the fuck up everything is normal we are all literally organic creatures and therefore we are all normal
  • unless you are a robot or silicone-based alien in which case i apologize for my carbon-based privilege and invite you to add me on skype because i am interested in your culture

On ‘gen 4’ Deathknights. The quests in Eastern Plaguelands of Fiona’s carevan end with the undead wanting to turn Gidwin Goldbraids into a brand new Death Knight, this would hint at there still being the possibility of actual, game-backed deathknights.


I have had like 8 bazillion people remind me of this; I actually addressed it in another post in that I personally consider anything risen by the Scourge to still be 3rd gen just because the methods are basically the same (so basically it comes down to if you consider the generations to be a timeline thing or a magic type/political thing). I was referring to the possibility of player-type DKs raising people similar to themselves— something the Ebon Blade would frown upon, but extremely prevalent in RP (which is what most of my posts are geared toward).

But yes, that is a thing that happened and is pretty good reference for a post-scourge backstory if you don’t feel like doing the Acherus thing nearly five years after it happened.




seriously tho if you want to feel like a good healer don’t go do flex modes with heroic raiders who know the mechanics and whose gear is like 50 ilvl above you

Smooches, at least you died less than euphoric ;>

euphoric put their belf balls on my face thoooough

It’s never a real raid unless someone gets balls on their face

elksy: draw your oc in your clothes and doing something you did recently featuring an argument me and pent had the other night thanks whinecraft this is where i give up and never draw again


draw your oc in your clothes and doing something you did recently

featuring an argument me and pent had the other night

thanks whinecraft

this is where i give up and never draw again


“You’re on tumblr. In case you haven’t noticed, you are the intellectually elite.”

yes tumblr the smartest people in the world who thought cutting chocolate a certain way could make it last forever and two people looking at each other and blinking slightly means they’re in love

rhania: I drew my death knight, Razielle. I have no idea how to goggle. I’m considering messing with this in photoshop and making it my icon for a bit.


I drew my death knight, Razielle. I have no idea how to goggle.
I’m considering messing with this in photoshop and making it my icon for a bit.

el-aatmik: “Feiyn says come closer… She got some fun secrets ta show joo.” my first inktober offering, starring Feiyn Bloodfang and finished last week but just now getting around to scanning it. my goal is at least one inked drawing a week. it’s rather nice to


“Feiyn says come closer… She got some fun secrets ta show joo.”

my first inktober offering, starring Feiyn Bloodfang and finished last week but just now getting around to scanning it. my goal is at least one inked drawing a week. it’s rather nice to work in the traditional medium again =D

Feiyn belongs to princeofathousandswords