Month: October 2013


something i think about a lot is if death knights see everything like


Tev had been asked at least once how he sees anything with that blue glow. I’ve been bothered about that since.

Around Whom the Moon Rays Dance: A note about strategy in WPvP from Lithiaris

Around Whom the Moon Rays Dance: A note about strategy in WPvP from Lithiaris

championchains: work in progress sketch of my Death Knight, Mephitis. Edit: didn’t notice how washed out this was. All of my messy pencil shit disappeared.


work in progress sketch of my Death Knight, Mephitis.

Edit: didn’t notice how washed out this was. All of my messy pencil shit disappeared.



dimedog said: 53. He was touched by the hand of the Lich King and from that he was risen. Hard and ready to serve his master.

I hold my runeblade erect, and it quivers in anticipation of penetrating my victims.

/puts on [Bone Shield]

~*Scourge Romance Novels*~

jouaku: fuckyeahalliance: Thank you! This Blizzcon I’m setting out for a Q&A panel specifically to protest this. I can’t STAND troll raids, because literally every expansion (vanilla, too) has either a dedicated area, multiple dungeons, or a raid dedicated toward



Thank you! This Blizzcon I’m setting out for a Q&A panel specifically to protest this. I can’t STAND troll raids, because literally every expansion (vanilla, too) has either a dedicated area, multiple dungeons, or a raid dedicated toward trolls and troll lore. It’s tiring!

PLEASE. PLEAAAASE. No. more. fucking. troll. shite. There’s way too much goddamn constant concentration on them, this isn’t “oh well of course some races will get looked at a little more…” THIS IS CONSTANT UPDATES.

Trolls get dungeons, new raids, new city, their own neew warchief and meanwhile other races go completely ignored without even a passing mention of what they’re up to *coughhackworgengnomesdraeneigoblinscough*. Plz. Blizz stop playing with troll dicks for five fucking seconds so I don’t have to go on a murderous rampage when I hear “Ey’ Mon!”

Hey this looks familiar!

Oh. No wonder why.

emilylorange: Mesorem @ Kil’Jaeden Totally different from things I normally do, and yet exactly the same. lol


Mesorem @ Kil’Jaeden

Totally different from things I normally do, and yet exactly the same. lol


elfsnatch replied to your post: spoopystag replied to you…

do u have room for a shadow priest eventually bcuz i’m gonna work on leveling my second priest here soon

How the hell do people level seconds of the same class?! I had a hard time leveling just one character let alone the same class of character. o___o 

But yes. I will have room after the first run.

Its just really fun

vesiel: Undead bros.


Undead bros.

deadtrae: Oops more Death Knights. I wanted to try drawing Aegnas. This is the Aegnas that lives in my head. WHATCHA FROWNIN’ ABOUT HUH.


Oops more Death Knights.

I wanted to try drawing Aegnas. This is the Aegnas that lives in my head. WHATCHA FROWNIN’ ABOUT HUH.