




So let me see, let me see.

Tyrande was shown as incompetent in her scenario with Varian.

Moira suffered the same fate, again for Varian.

Jaina’s only place in the closing cinematic was to give Varian a chance to look awesome (and this coming from someone that likes Jaina’s Slay Them All side).

And Sylvanas has been more or less absent for the entire expansion, presumably so that she can be a villain next expansion.

I’m also still really sore about Dezco’s wife dying because although I love the man to bits it feels like she existed only for us to sympathize with him.


Is there some alliance-only version of Blood in the Snow where Moira becomes incompetent because I remember Moira healing the shit out of me at the end there.

Similarly, I remember Moira generally being pretty BADASS about the entire thing. Incompetent? nope. Willing to set aside her differences and show just how far she’s willing to go to trust the allies that don’t trust her for the greater good of an Alliance that’s so far been rather eh about her and her people?

That takes a ton of balls and hers are made of titansteel.

Moria is about the only one who had a decent scenario that didn’t involve her being treated like an incompetent child. She was the only one to stand up and say: We’ll do this. Fuck those other guys. 

It still rather hurt though that the Alliance isn’t treated like an alliance but more rather Varian’s fan club. It’s rather infuriating that they rather invalidated Tyrande’s lore for the sake of Variancraft.

With quotes like “Only the Goddess may forbid me anything. I will free Illidan whether you like it or not.” and “Long ago, I swore to protect this land, Malfurion. I never had the luxury of sleeping through times of great peril.” and the sheer fact that she did free Illidan; Tyrande has always been a bit of a hothead, really the most surprising thing is that she didn’t just Starfall the entire temple.