Month: August 2013


You’re not truly best friends with someone until everybody assumes you’re romantically involved because you spend so much time together. And you don’t care so you perpetuate the idea with fake proposals and pet names.

kiango: beccatheb: farorescourage: neonhaberdashery: nyaegi: giant frickface face dang El tiger face Slutty mc Scary Privilege I stg Lil’ miss Eridan privilege SUPER CIS SCUM OH MAN EL CIS HOMOSEXUAL does not compute






giant frickface face


El tiger face

Slutty mc Scary Privilege I stg

Lil’ miss Eridan privilege



does not compute

thefourthwallmanor: Rennik “Brawlpup” Ebonlocke, as drawn by the ever delightful Topolis. This was commissioned and given to me as a gift from Ratmanners. I’d say it makes a suitable early birthday gift, yes? Thank you both. I love it.


Rennik “Brawlpup” Ebonlocke, as drawn by the ever delightful Topolis. This was commissioned and given to me as a gift from Ratmanners. I’d say it makes a suitable early birthday gift, yes?

Thank you both. I love it.

logicalfangirl: Redrew that picture of my rogue now that he’s hit 90. HE DYED HIS HAIR. Still the same Netherblade with a Scryers’ tabard though.


Redrew that picture of my rogue now that he’s hit 90. HE DYED HIS HAIR. Still the same Netherblade with a Scryers’ tabard though.

shadowdances: Blingtron down in Shrine!


Blingtron down in Shrine!

Icecrown Citadel 25 Heroic 8/19 11:15 pm EST



So, here are a few rules to help everyone get along in these raids:

1. We will reserve pieces if people are looking for them for mogs. (Your class MUST be able to transmog them. We aren’t reserving dresses for warriors. Sorry guys.) The only thing that IS on reserve until further notice are Shadowfrost shards. We have someone going for them. Otherwise, everyone else has free game to primordials if you need them.

    a. We do have people going for their Shadowmourne achievements. If you are requesting for Shards, Primordials, Infusions or Bloods, PLEASE message me ahead of time and we’ll set up a list for requests

2. We can do achievements, however, the LK achievements WON’T be this week as we’ll switch them off from week to week. This week we’re doing heroic LK. Others should be open for request so just let me know. 

3.If you have any questions in regards to requests, gear, characters or achievements PLEASE message me (pref. Fan mail) and I can get back to you as soon as possible. 

sign up below! 

1. Barkentin

2. Varaelian

3. Slinky

4. Kim

5. Claudel (Tenative)

6. Froo (Blood and Infusion Reserve)

7. Oboon

8. Wintersenchantment (Primordial reserve)

9. Vyn (Seiphon)

valaaia: valaaia: All right, my lovely people – it’s time for some art by yours truly!I have opened the trapdoors on commission slots; examples of what you can get and what it’ll cost you are pictured above.Interested? Well, send an email to and these



All right, my lovely people – it’s time for some art by yours truly!

I have opened the trapdoors on commission slots; examples of what you can get and what it’ll cost you are pictured above.

Interested? Well, send an email to 
and these treasures might soon be made to your specifications!
Now, what else do you need to be aware of?

1. I’ll open 5 slots at a time. Once those are filled and the images done, they will be reopened for the next commissions.

2. If it’s a character I am unfamiliar with or there are certain modifications that I should be aware of -scars, tattoos and the like-, I will ask you to provide references (screenshots, artwork, writing, etc.).

3. You will receive an email from me when I am finished with the image. This email will contain at least 3 different sizes, as well as a copy of the SAI file if you so wish.

4. You may use the image as an avatar, background, etc. on your blog or other sites AS LONG AS I am credited as the one who made it.
You may NOT sell or present the image as one of your own effort.

5. The image will also be posted on my blog with my url as watermark. Should you wish to stay anonymous, I will not disclose your (user)name underneath.

6. Payment will be handled over PayPal via the mentioned email address BEFORE I begin the commission piece.

And that should wrap this up! Hope you all have a very nice week! :-*

Yooo, my health insurance is slowly but surely eating up the rest of my savings. So help me out and buy my art, thus ensuring I have a stash of funds esp. for upcoming trips to job interviews or aptitude tests (I have 3 of those next month… so yeah, gas is pricey here in good old Germany).

Thanks a ton, love you all.

elfsnatch: I grow tired of this nonsense.  Please leave, before I am forced to make you leave. high-pitched whining about how i’ve added yet another blood elf to my elf hoard


I grow tired of this nonsense.  Please leave, before I am forced to make you leave.

high-pitched whining about how i’ve added yet another blood elf to my elf hoard