










The hell is this?!

Chicken fingers in buffalo sauce, and Cajun sweet potato fries

o__o The whole buffalo chicken strip thing threw me off like woah. Those didn’t look like chicken strips at first, dude.

Yeah they kind of drown them in buffalo. It’s good though.

As long as they were good. I went to some place called Smash Burger last night and was extremely underwhelmed and rather disappointed. 

We have Smash Burger here, and yeah, way overpriced for pretty meh food. The fries were pretty good, but that’s about it. 

I regretted my decision to not just go to Five Guys for a decent burger and good fries. Like.. I ended up with a stomach ache and heartburn. Definitely not worth the 9 bucks I paid. The fries were kinds good. Good and salty, but not something to rag home about.

Oh man Five Guys is so good. I haven’t been there in a while and I should go there for dinner sometime this week.

This is making me want buffalo chicken something. I guess I could cave and go to Cheesecake Factory. They have good lunches. :>

And here I am with a Publix deli sub. I love Five Guys, but omg I feel like such a blimp after I’m done eating there. x_x AMAZING food, but I feel guilty later.

Randomly, you know what sounds amazing right now? Pickles.

:< I like pickles. I’m also glad to hear you’re feeling better. Is Seirye doing okay too? She wasn’t feeling so good last night.

I’ll probably get Publix for lunch tomorrow or thursday; usually it’s an order of their popcorn chicken and the raspberry iced tea. Pickles would be pretty good with that.