Month: March 2013

natgeofound: Subway train headed to the Plaza Italia Station in Buenos Aires, November 1939.Photograph by Luis Marden, National Geographic


Subway train headed to the Plaza Italia Station in Buenos Aires, November 1939.
Photograph by Luis Marden, National Geographic

josephthrallin: rastakhan: amirinian to accompany my alternate tali uvu Oh my christ it’s a masculine looking elf I love you so MUCH.



amirinian to accompany my alternate tali uvu

Oh my christ it’s a masculine looking elf I love you so MUCH.

worth it 

worth it 

hclark70: iotaa: hclark70: The Ladies of World of Warcraft – Alliance Jaina Proudmoore, Moira Thaurissan, Chronormu (Chromie), Tyrande Whisperwind they are here and they are pissed Chromie’s a dude. But that’s alright.  I think he secretly likes being female so I




The Ladies of World of Warcraft – Alliance

Jaina Proudmoore, Moira Thaurissan, Chronormu (Chromie), Tyrande Whisperwind

they are here and they are pissed

Chromie’s a dude. But that’s alright. 

I think he secretly likes being female so I always refer him as ‘she’ when he’s in that form

Chronormu is actually a girl, she’s an exception to the -ormu/-ormi thing time dragons normally do.


Chronormu (Chromie) – She’s a temporal investigator, she’s an ambassador, and she floats in the air after Stratholme has been successfully culled. Chromie’s the real ham of the dragonkin. Though she’s actively played many a role in regulating time, including a heroic jump backward at the Andorhal ruins, Chromie will most likely always be known for her role in the Culling of Stratholme instance.

– World of Warcraft Official Magazine  (Vol. 1, Issue 2, p. 28)

hclark70: demisterchat: hclark70: mouseys: The Ladies of World of Warcraft – Alliance Jaina Proudmoore, Moira Thaurissan, Chronormu (Chromie), Tyrande Whisperwind they are here and they are pissed Wait, what is Chromie doing with the Alliance? She’s a bloody dragon. hang





The Ladies of World of Warcraft – Alliance

Jaina Proudmoore, Moira Thaurissan, Chronormu (Chromie), Tyrande Whisperwind

they are here and they are pissed

Wait, what is Chromie doing with the Alliance? She’s a bloody dragon.

hang on a sec –  Yo old timers, help me with my memory – when Chromie was a quest giver at Andorhal, Western Plaguelands, did she only give to Alliance only or both factions?

Both factions


i actually only have 1 gay blood elf hes a paladin and hes in a guild named swagger

My paladin is gay for ~~the Light~~
(there was going to be a DK boner joke here instead)