


We’re going to get into lore debates. People are going to have opinions. People are going to be right, and they are going to be wrong. 

It’s okay to not like a thing. It’s okay to like a thing. But please, do us all a favor. 

Be civil about it.

I love all of you a lot. I am a mutual follower for a lot of people who have been heavily intertwined in this debate. I’m not going to unfollow anyone for their opinions or beliefs (unless outright retarded or we get into a fight..) but there is no reason to stop being civil with someone over lore in a video game.

Just smile and remember when 5.3 comes around..

We can just blame Metzen and be done with it.

Does this mean I can’t tell people they’re adopted

Remember the last time that you told someone that?! 

A ripple in space-time formed and they became adopted?